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Armored from Within

Training Seminars for Police

Police Program: Bienvenue

Tough Time to Be a Cop

Every officer is also a human being who undergoes daily insults, mockery, and threats. Every officer needs bulletproof body armor. What about armoring them against interior and psychological wounds? Who would not buy a bulletproof vest for the soul if such a thing existed?

Police Program: À propos

Bushido : The Way of the Warrior

Ancient samurai  knew that in battle one needs interior strength and mental fortitude. They understood that the key virtues of Bushido are the foundation of interior strength - the interior armor of the soul. Today’s warrior facing today’s threats must also undertake this interior journey. But how to lead them on this journey? We are KBI USA, and that’s what we do

Police Program: À propos de moi

Transform Your Officers Now

Protecting your officers is as simple as 1-2-3.

1. KBI will schedule a meeting with you to do a first intake in your specific context and vision.

2. KBI will make all the necessary adaptation and arrangements.

3. KBI will deliver the training as planned.

Police Program: Témoignages

Strong and Confident

Our seminars teach officers and executives how to create a culture of excellence through the development of inner strengths. Inner strength brings confidence, even in the anti-police era. Confident officers are true community builders. Community builders do not leave their post. They stay on the force

Police Program: À propos

Research is at the core of what we do.

Download our free white paper: SIR (SAMURAI IN RESIDENCE).

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Police Program: Texte

“For the first time in my career, I have received training that focuses on what is going on inside of me. Not technical training. Mental training.”

"People think that our job is mainly physical. The opposite is true. We rarely have physical risk. But we live with interior struggle every day. This was true help. Thank you! After this training, I can start with confidence again."

Police Program: Témoignages
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Gatineau, Quebec Police Department

Police Program: Témoignages

 Frequently Asked Questions

Police Program: Services

What does your training change?

Our seminars teach officers and executives how to create a culture of excellence through the development of ...

What is your method? How does it work?

KBI uses sports and martial arts as an example to provoke a moment of maieutics. It’s what contemporary psychology calls a ...

What does this have to do with martial arts?

Sports transmit realistic human values that bring out the best in people. They’re an ...

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